Friday, February 25, 2011


Rules are made to be broken, right?? Ha! Last week I pulled 3 border collies from Montgomery Co animal shelter for ABC rescue--Gypsy, Alex, and Rant. I took them all to Dr. Martin's office to be vetted and then boarded. No foster homes were currently available including my own. My rule is one foster dog at a time and Buck is my one foster dog. Wellllll, I went back to Dr. Martin's this week on a completely unrelated errand and ended up taking Alex home with me!! When I pulled him from the shelter, I knew he was a shy, scared boy. He wasn't coming around at the vet's office even though the staff there were giving him the best of care. He needed to be with people and other dogs--he needed socialization. I've never been very good at saying "no" so Alex is now Foster Dog #2 at my house--totally against the rules!!!

Alex is making progress in tiny baby steps. He's becoming slightly less glued to his crate. He will come out when called now even though he acts like something awful is about to happen to him all the time. His tail stays tucked between his legs. I can't wait for the day when he wags his tail!! Stay tuned for more updates on this sweet, sweet boy.

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